Eight of the armoredregiment's GEVs battled their way out of the wild confusion of APCs trying to flee in every direction.
The anticipated German counter-attack had taken place, led by two S.S. armoredregiments, and had caught the Russians on the flank, inflicting heavy losses.
I did my military service in a tankregiment in Skövde, again as a person no one ever noticed.
There were thirty Iron Crosses for the Gross Deutschland, and as many for the small tankregiment, which also earned the honor.
Then he went into the ward, over to Johnny Carstairs, DSO, Captain, 1st TankRegiment, who was almost a corpse.
The officer from the Royal TankRegiment is reported to have jumped into a burning tank to save soldiers trapped inside.
Photo: Supplied Corporal Saimone Qasenivalu from the Royal TankRegiment is reported to have jumped into a burning tank to save soldiers trapped inside.
Ús de armoured regiment en anglès
For Cheryl Coleman, whose father Snow Coleman served with the 19th New Zealand ArmouredRegiment, the experience was similar.